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Automate Your Audition

· Audition Tip,Auditioning,Actors Life,Audition Life,Audition Coach


Life happens. You get busy. You or people in your life get sick. Bottom line - sh!t happens.

How can 'automating' your audition help you when they come up?

For Theatre Actors 

1.) You need to know what's in your Audition Book.

2.) Have your Audition Book up-to-date.

3.) Rehearse your materials often.

4.) Understand what you have in your Audition Book. This is key because it can make deciding what to use much easier.

5.) Have some money set aside for last minute audition coaching.

For Film Actors

1.) Review your sides early and often.

2.) Record your rehearsal. Review it and give yourself notes.

3.) Have multiple people you can ask to be a reader. (Don't forget to send them the sides so they can review them.)

4.) Have your self-tape set up easy to put up and get ready.

5.) Record your self-tape as soon as you can!


1.) Don't overthink it.

2.) Look to the script for clues with your character.

3.) It's an opportunity to perform. Have fun!